Support Us

Want to show your support for The People's House? Let us know and we'll get you one of our handmade letterpress signs for your window at home, or for your business!
email us at to get your sign!

The New Moon Cafe, 113 4th Ave W, Olympia, WA 98501

How can you help to get The People's House shelter open?
We wish to see prioritizing the support of our most vulnerable neighbors as a point of pride within our community. You can support our efforts in a variety of ways…

·      Stay informed by joining our email list, following our Facebook page, and visiting our website.

·      Make a tax-deductible donation by mail or online to “The People’s House” via Interfaith Works.

·      Speak out in support for The People’s House at City Council meetings, every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm at City Hall.

·      Write a letter to your Council Member or The Olympian in support of The People’s House.

·      Thank local businesses that support The People’s House by shopping at their stores and telling them why.

·      Talk to your neighbors, friends, and colleagues about the importance of The People’s House.

·      Post a sign in your home or business in support of The People’s House.

·      Suggest a downtown location for the shelter project and utilize your landlord connections.

As we apply for grants and submit proposals, private donations are enthusiastically welcomed and greatly needed. Please send donations via mail to Interfaith Works (PO Box 1221 Olympia, WA 98507) noting that your donation is intended for The People's House, you may also make a donation online via PayPal. Thank you very much.